Embrace your Archetypes & Transform

Hi, I’m a Scorpio – nice to meet you.

In understanding my natal chart in astrology a bit more, I realize just how much I am meant to be here as a transformational leader. 

The Scorpio archetype is all about transformation – it’s about going deep, into the depths of unconscious and digging up all the shadows that most of us would like to ignore and working through that to become even stronger.

I can say that for myself, that highly resonates.  I have never been scared of the deep, heavy work.  Actually, that’s not true, for a time I was definitely living into my shadow side and numbing out a lot of things, but now I’ve fully embraced this gift of depth and wouldn’t look back for a second.

If you’re into astrology I have my Sun and Pluto in my first house ruled by Scorpio – making me a double Scorpio (Sun and Rising).  I have Mars and Mercury in Scorpio in the 12th house.  I have 2 planets in Cancer – Jupiter and Chiron – in my 8th house (the house Scorpio rules).  And then I have a lot of Capricorn energy (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Venus) all in my second house.  Third house Aquarius Moon and North Node.

Even if you don’t know a lot about Astrology, I think it’s easy to see the pattern of Scorpio coming up a lot.

I’m here to do a lot of deep, inner work on myself.  I am meant to embrace every aspect of myself and harness my Scorpio abilities and move forward with transforming myself and inspiring and leading that transformation in others as well.

I did an Intro to Astrology course a few weeks ago, and one of the exercises was to choose archetypes that resonated with us for each of our planet placements.  Here’s a list of mine:

·       Shaman

·       Visionary

·       Psychologist

·       CEO

·       Medicine Woman

·       Lucky Witch

·       Grandfather Support

·       Elder

·       King

·       Alchemist

·       Reformer

·       Healer


These all resonate big time.

It also helps me get clear on my gifts and how they support what I’m here to do.

I find these tools like Astrology and Human Design helpful tools that guide me along the way.  They’ve helped me understand my psyche and remind me of my true self – and give me the permission slip to come back to who I really am and what feels right and true and unique to me.

I know I’ve been caught up in who I “should be” a lot, but I feel like these systems have provided a tool that helps me understand and embrace my uniqueness – and the uniqueness of those around me.

I don’t use these as predictive tools, more to understand how things have been and help me understand myself, my inner world, my motives, and how I’ve been reacting to the world around me.

I personally believe that we have too much free will to ever predict how anything can for sure turn out – you can make any reality a possibility.  It’s funny because from a young age I remember having this conversation vividly with my BFF (funny how little moments stick out in your mind, right?)  We were sitting on the swings at the school playground in my small town 😊 

And we were talking about a lot of things, and I remember saying that I strongly felt that our lives were like a flow chart: like there’s maybe 4 different outcomes at the end – some better than others – and we can get off track and if we keep making the same choices over and over we can end up going down that low path – but there’s always those moments in the flow chart where you make one different decision and it can throw you into a whole other ending.

I was probably 12 at the time??  Helloooooo Scorpio energy showing up LOL

When I leaned into Astrology and Human Design, the way I learned and interpreted it all really resonated with that life view that I’ve had for such a long time - there’s a high road and a low road to each energy we possess as well – so I can either live into the transformative power of the Scorpio energy and magnetism and magic. 

Or I can fall into the low road of possessiveness, obsessiveness, addiction, sex/power obsessed and manipulative energy.

We each have a choice to make, but at least understanding these energies and archetypes helps us recognize where we get off track – where we fall into the low road trap, and where we can get back on course to living in our highest power.

Plus, it all really dives deep into our psyche and I’ve always been fascinated with the mind and psychology.  When I took my first psychology class in high school, I was hooked!  In university I took every psychology elective I could.  I got my Bachelors degree in business – with a major in Marketing (i.e. business psychology/consumer behaviour), but almost toyed with the idea of getting a second degree in Psychology as well.

This all is just a natural progression – diving deeper into the behaviours that drive us, trying to understand us all and leaning into our energies so we aren’t being driven by subconscious traumas and can make our best, most informed decisions.

(And when you dive deep into the fundamentals of psychology – and certain psychologists – you see that their philosophies and theories were also based on astrology and archetypes – read: Carl Jung).

This leads me back to the aforementioned archetypes: Psychologist, Visionary, CEO, Reformer, Healer.

The transformational power of the Scorpio – to rise from the depths like a phoenix from the ashes. 

It’s the vision I have for everyone though too – to grasp these tools and understand yourself so you can transform into your most powerful self.

I’m drawn to this because it makes sense and it resonates.  There’s truth and wisdom here.  I hope you embrace your archetypes and true selves too.

Jenna MacIntyre