Human Design - Manifesting Generators

Hi MG’s!  Yes, I tend to call you by your acronym – so know when I’m calling you an MG it means Manifesting Generator.

But what does that MEAN in terms of your energy type in Human Design?

For starters, it’s important to note that some schools of thought tend to consider Manifesting Generators as simply a sub-type of Generators (so in saying that, you can find helpful information from the Generator post – mostly the parts on listening to your Sacral gut response is what is important for you).  But just know, you ARE unique from Generators – you do have some similarities in holding the same “engine” as Generators, but you also differ because you have a bit of that Manifestor energy!

And that means that you are just pure energy.  Which also means you can feel like you’re pulled in many  different directions.

You have so much energy and feel excited by so many different things – and all of that gives you life!  Some people try to tell you to choose one thing and stick with it, but they’re trying to put you in a box that doesn’t serve you.  The key is: you’re meant to follow what lights you up and excites you (just like a Generator – follow that Sacral gut response), but unlike a Generator who could possibly be lit up by the same thing for their whole life, you are lit up by many different things.

You likely have many projects on the go at once.  You could have many hobbies and interests – lots that don’t even seem to have anything to do with one another – that’s PERFECT!  As long as those things are lighting you up and exciting you, it’s meant for you to follow!

You have a sprinkle of the Manifestor energy that gives you the initiation to get the ball rolling, and while a pure Manifestor is meant To Inform and start the process (but usually doesn’t have a lot of the creation energy to follow it up with), as a Manifesting Generator you have that initiation spark AND you also have that internal engine of creation to back it up and bring the idea into reality!

That’s the way the universe works with you, you’re getting a lot of interests and you’re bringing a lot into this world.  You’re also showing us what’s possible – to have many passions and not feel like we must choose one thing and stick with it forever.  You’re part of creating the new paradigm where we continue to evolve and grow and create new realities for ourselves – being multi-passionate is a gift!

The thing with the Sacral is that it will be lit up and excited by the things it is meant to respond to, but as an MG, once you lose that gut energy, you’re kinda done.

You’re ready to move onto the next thing that’s lighting you up!

And then you may come back to those things after a while, or maybe not.  That’s simply the way your energy works.

Some may consider you flaky and try to make you see something through til the end – you may be completely lit up by a project but then never see it through to the end – some people may find this frustrating, but once you know this is the energy of the MG it makes so much more sense!

You are meant to show us what’s possible.  Some may not understand it, but trying to get you to slow down and focus on just one thing actually drains and stifles your energy.  Instead, if you’re doing many different things that light you up that only tends to give you MORE energy – and more opportunities show up for you To Respond to.

And it may be hard to pull all your titles onto one business card or website – you’ll think that nothing has to do with the other.  You may have lots of side hustles, different hobbies, different interests – in lots of varying realms that may not make sense.  They make sense to you though!  There may be a common thread or theme through them all, or perhaps it’s just simply trusting and following what lights you up because truly whatever those things are, they’re meant for you – no judgement, it just is what it is. 

MG’s main conditioning comes from people trying to stifle you, put you into a box, make you choose one thing, and/or make you see something through to the end.

As I’ve said probably a hundred times throughout this post, the key to your success (like that of Generators) is TO RESPOND.  You are meant to tune into your Sacral/gut responses to make the best, most aligned decisions.  The universe will put things in your path and you are meant to follow those that light you up and get you giddy excited!

Also know that when you’re living out of alignment, your red flag tip-off is the feeling of Frustration.  This usually means more of an energetic feeling of Frustration – that feeling of stuck-ness.  Again, for you MGs specifically, it probably means you’re not letting yourself do as many things as you’d truly like, you’re probably feeling stifled or that you’ve had to choose one thing, or that you feel like you have to see something through to the end when it’s truly no longer lighting you up.

The idea of “spreading yourself thin” because you have “too many things on the go”?  You’ve probably never heard of it. Lol.  Generally, those phrases would never apply to you!  Of course, make sure you aren’t completely overwhelming yourself, but for the most part, you can see yourself having a bunch of things on the go and be EXCITED by it, whereas others would feel overwhelmed.  You do you.

Listen to your gut, tune into your Sacral, follow what excites you, and trust that when that feeling goes away and you’re being drawn in a different direction, it’s so perfectly aligned for you.  Don’t slow down for anyone, don’t let anyone put you in a box, show us what’s possible, that’s what you’re here for.

If you want to learn more about your type and dig deeper into your chart, check out Offerings here.