Practicing Reiki as a Projector

A while ago someone asked me to talk more about how I practice Reiki as a Projector.  (Check out my blog post here on the Projector Energy Type in Human Design. And link here for more info on Reiki). 

I sat with that question for a while and then realized there are a few different parts of my chart that have shown up to help me in my practice as a Reiki Practitioner – not just the fact that I am a Projector.

But to begin with, I do see the fact that I have the wisdom of a Projector to see into the other – to have that piercing aura – as the first gift that allows me to really understand someone and intuitively know what they are wanting to heal on.  Maybe even more than they see it themselves; having the Projector gift to see into the other and through all the “bullshit”, we get to really see people at their truest form – and I believe that is such a gift in my Reiki practice.

I can see how you want to show up and maybe what’s holding you back – not even necessarily knowing it myself, it’s just the natural aura and gift of the Projector.

Then, I have a really strong inner vision – again, this shows up in my Human Design chart as well!  When I learned that to help me digest food, life, processing information and digesting everything, my strongest sense is Inner Vision – I was like, YES!!!  Definitely recognize that.

I took my Reiki Level I in October 2018, then Level II in March 2019.  I followed that with my Human Design training in November 2019.

Even before my official Human Design training, just me diving so deep into Human Design on my own (my favourite hobby essentially), I would start to see when I practiced Reiki on people that their Human Design chart would be laid out in my mind’s eye.

If we had looked up their chart before, and even if we hadn’t dove into their chart much or done a reading, I still saw how their chart would light up in my mind’s eye and I could see how I was meant to create a flowing circuit of energy.

I can see that it’s a lot about flow and circuitry for me – creating a flow of energy within each person.  To focus on healing certain areas and chakras, releasing and healing blocks of energy, and finally creating a balanced circuit and flow of energy.

When I was taught my Level II, I had the most amazing Reiki Master teaching me, and the most supportive group of women around me (we have become a tight-knit group and still get together to this day <3).

My Level II Reiki really focused on the lessons of the Law of Attraction and a focus on the chakras as well.

As I continued to learn about Human Design, this really blended well.  In Human Design there are 9 centres, but they correlate to the 7 chakras (with a couple extra gifts!)

It’s just like everything intuitively clicked for me – and that seeing and understanding someone’s Human Design chart gave me this foundational framework (my foundational 1/4 profile really showing up there – for my Human Design folks that understand that lol) that just highlighted and allowed me to guide energy even more during a Reiki session.

Even if I don’t see someone’s Human Design chart beforehand, it’s almost like that is something that will still show up in my mind – like before when I just intuitively felt where I was being led to go, and that is still so true, it’s definitely the strongest pull and guidance I have – but I also can see the energy in my mind’s eye, being balanced and creating a balanced circuit of flowing energy – getting rid of the blocks and just allowing it to flow beautifully.

Personally, for me, these 2 practices have blended so beautifully – I don’t always practice them together, but I do see how each of them has complemented one another, especially in my life.  And I believe that the wisdom I have gained from each modality has helped increase my gifts in the other.