What the Heck IS Human Design?

Human Design is a system that brings together the principles of The I Ching, Astrology, Chakra system, Kabbalah and quantum physics. Your chart, or “BodyGraph”, is calculated based on your exact time and location at birth to reflect your genetic design.

That can sound a bit like “WHOA, what is this?!” overwhelming - but really Human Design is a “life hack” tool that gives us a blueprint of how we show up energetically, how to best use our natural energy and natural talents, and honestly, it’s kind of like a personality test on steriods.

You know how you can take a Myers-Brigg test for your workplace, (to see if you’ll be “compatible” with your coworkers?) do you ever notice how those answers can change on your mood from day-to-day?

Human Design tells you all the same things (where you’re compatible, open to taking on other people’s energy/emotions/fears/problems etc., what natural abilities and personality traits you have) but it doesn’t change! Because this is your energetic blueprint. This is your road map to your natural energy - your natural rhythms, gifts, and superpowers.

Your Human Design chart is a tool for understanding your unique energetic make-up and reveals how you are meant to use your energy so you can be your most energetic, magnetic, and efficient self.

First, we need your birth date, place of birth, and exact birth time to look up your chart. This shows us the exact energies of the world around you and what gifts you have naturally had since birth.

You will discover your energy type, strategy, authority, profile and dive into the blueprint of who you are.

Through your chart we can see how your body communicates with you and what to tune into in order to make your best decisions; Human Design holds the belief that our minds are simply mechanisms to sort information, and that our bodies hold the wisdom to make decisions from - not our minds.

Your chart reveals how you process and digest the information of the world around you, the way your body communicates with you to make decisions (e.g. some people are meant to listen to their gut, others allow emotions to drive decisions, and some are meant to listen to their intuition), how you are energetically supposed to work, how you interact with others around you, and so much more.

Understanding your chart allows for self-love, self-understanding, and self-compassion; when you know how you are meant to show up in the world you can stop trying to be anyone else and simply be yourself.

Simply put, it’s the road map to your true self.